Lifestyle = your daily habits which make up your lifestyle.


  • SLEEP - This is when your body gets to recover and repair, you can't be healthy when you are sleep deprived.
  • EXERCISE - Do you have a weekly exercise routine? Or can your exercise routine fall by the wayside when something else pops up? 
  • ROUTINE - Do you have a daily routine or live on the fly? 
  • STEPS - Do you move every day? Do you know if you take 10,000 steps a day? anything under 10,000 steps is considered a sedentary lifestyle. 
  • HYDRATION - Are you consuming enough water?
  • ELIMINATION - How many bowel movements are you having a day? How many should you be having a day? 
  • STRESS MGT - Are you looking after your stress? or is your stress ruling your world? 
  • MEAL PLANNING/FOOD CHOICES/COOKING - you have to eat but do you decide ahead of time what you are going to eat? or is it always eating on the fly, grabbing calories on the go? 
  • MEAL & SNACKS - do you usually have a plan at what time you will eat? 
  • ALCOHOL - How many days a week do you drink? 
  • JOURNALING/MINDSET - Are your thoughts dictating your life?