SLEEP - This is when your body gets to recover and repair, you can't be healthy when you are sleep deprived.
EXERCISE - Do you have a weekly exercise routine? Or can your exercise routine fall by the wayside when something else pops up?
ROUTINE - Do you have a daily routine or live on the fly?
STEPS - Do you move every day? Do you know if you take 10,000 steps a day? anything under 10,000 steps is considered a sedentary lifestyle.
HYDRATION - Are you consuming enough water?
ELIMINATION - How many bowel movements are you having a day? How many should you be having a day?
STRESS MGT - Are you looking after your stress? or is your stress ruling your world?
MEAL PLANNING/FOOD CHOICES/COOKING - you have to eat but do you decide ahead of time what you are going to eat? or is it always eating on the fly, grabbing calories on the go?
MEAL & SNACKS - do you usually have a plan at what time you will eat?
ALCOHOL - How many days a week do you drink?
JOURNALING/MINDSET - Are your thoughts dictating your life?